Building Christ Church: 1921 to 1935

Building Christ Church: 1921 to 1935

Christ Church in the 1920s

A photograph of Christ Church from Coombe Road survives from this time.

Parish Halls

It was during this time that the Parish Halls were built on the other side of Cambridge Avenue from Christ Church. The foundation stone was laid on 23rd July 1927 (with a Bible placed in a cavity underneath it) and the Halls consecrated by the Bishop of Southwark on January 11th 1928.

The photo below dates from sometime before 1936 as we can see that the Verger’s house is yet to be built.

Since then, the Parish Halls have been extensively used for a Young People Church (started in 1931), Sunday School groups, meetings, a Badminton Club and in more recent years a great deal of open youth work.

The Halls were badly damaged in a fire in the early hours of New Year’s Day 1996, requiring major refurbishment ahead of their reopening in 1996 (see Building Christ Church: 1991 to 2006). They are due to be sold following their replacement by the new hall adjoined to Christ Church (see Building Christ Church: 2007 to present).

Building CCNM 1893‑1920

Alvan Birkett

Life at CCNM 1921‑35

Building CCNM 1935‑44