What's on for Grown-Ups

What's On For Grown-Ups

Bumps and Babies

Bumps and Babies is a group for mums (and mums to be!) - a space for parents, and those about to become parents, to chat and enjoy a cup of tea while the little ones sleep or play. Join us in the Explorer's Hall on Tuesdays during term time from 9am to 11am.

Cinema Club

Cinema Club ​meets once a month on Friday evenings from 7.45pm in the lounge, and is led by Nathan Larkin.  A thought provoking film is shown, accompanied by drinks and popcorn, and is then followed by discussion.

Because of licensing reasons, we're unable to advertise upcoming film titles on our website. If you'd like to receive updates about what's showing at our film clubs, please subscribe to our Cinema Club mailing list.


Connections is a group looking to appeal to younger and middle aged women, although it is open to all women. It meets at Christ Church on Wednesday mornings at 9.15am for 9.45 am. After some time altogether, members divide into groups which use a variety of different methods to study the Bible and learn more about following Jesus. Connections is led by Heather Perrin.

Half Shares

Half Shares, a group for widows, meets twice a month in the Christ Church Lounge. It includes both members and non members of Christ Church and seeks to help those who are widowed find friendship and community.  Half Shares is led by Katie Kuhrt.

The group meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month, from 1 to 3pm. The afternoon includes time to chat, and a session by a guest speaker, followed by refreshments.

Then on the 3rd Saturday of the month the group meets from 3 to 4:30pm for tea and biscuits, and usually some sort of informal game or activity (such as bingo or a quiz). 

Men Behaving Dadly

Men behaving Dadly is led by Stephen Kuhrt and meets on the second Saturday morning of each month from 9.30-11.00 in the Church Lounge. Dads bring their young children (1’s-5’s) to enjoy playing with the toys, a bouncy castle and a craft activity. The dads also relax together over a bacon sandwich and coffee! As well as encouraging ‘bonding’ of dads and their kids, an important aspect of ‘Men Behaving Dadly’ is allowing our hard pressed mums to enjoy a ‘lie in’ or some much needed ‘me time’.

Sunday School for Group-Ups

Meeting on the second and fourth Sunday evenings of the month, 'Sunday School for Grown Ups' provides the opportunity to go deeper in getting to grips with the Bible and Christian Theology through talks and discussion in groups.

'Sunday School for Grown Ups' comprises a series of courses, the current being called 'Making Sense of Paul', which started in November 2022 and continues into the summer of 2023. Food is available from 6.00 pm with the talks and discussion starting from 6.30 pm. The evening will finish at 8.00 pm, although some may want to continue the discussion at the Royal Oak!

We also have 'rerun' evening sessions on the first and third Mondays of each month (eight days after each Sunday session). Monday sessions will start with drinks and nibbles from 8.00 pm with the session beginning at 8.15 pm and finishing by 9.45 pm.

The aim is to provide members of Christ Church (and anyone else who wants to come) with a greater opportunity to explore the Bible and Theology and, through this, both as a church and individuals, to be more equipped for the living out of our Christian faith.

Courses planned for the future include: ‘Making Sense of the Synoptic Gospels’, ‘Making Sense of Isaiah’, ‘Making Sense of Baptism’ and ‘Making Sense of the Reformation’.

Stephen recently did an interview with Ian Paul about Sunday School for Grown Ups which you can read on Ian's Psephizo blog.

(The second session of the course, which looked at 'Perspectives on Paul', referenced a talk by Stephen Kuhrt on Martin Luther, which was given on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. You can listen to it here.)

Sunday Screen

Sunday Screen meets once a month on Sunday evening (the third Sunday of the month) to take advantage of some of the terrific films about the Bible as well as on the lives of Christians or Christian topics. ‘Sunday Screen’ aims to build greater community at Christ Church and learn from the insights provoked by these films. 

Like 'Sunday School for Grown Ups', 'Sunday Screen' begins with food from 6.00 pm with the showing from 6.30 pm.