Carols by Candlelight |
Katy Loffman
The Day of the Lord |
Carolyn Lucas
Children's Carol Service |
Stephen Kuhrt
Susannah Sloman
John's Imprisonment and Death |
Becky Mills
Judgement and Restoration |
Tom Collins
The Birth of John the Baptist |
Stephen Kuhrt
John's Question to Jesus |
Stephen Kuhrt
Sinful priests and a faithless people |
Anita Ferrero
The Birth of Jesus is Announced |
Carolyn Lucas
John's Baptism of Jesus |
Nathan Larkin
God's love and the people's lack of it |
Stephen Kuhrt
The birth of John the Baptist is announced |
Carolyn Lucas
John's Preaching |
Claire Jaggers
Vocation and Discipleship Sunday |
Louise Ellis
Vocation and Discipleship Sunday |
Louise Ellis
John's Witness to Jesus |
Ruth Henson
Remembrance Sunday |
Tim Davis
Remembrance Sunday |
Stephen Kuhrt
John announces the need for repentance |
Katy Loffman
All God's People Sunday |
Becky Mills
All God's People Sunday |
Stephen Kuhrt
Developing a Christian attitude to disappointment in our lives |
Katy Loffman
Developing a Christian attitude to growing older |
Carolyn Lucas
Developing a Christian attitude to Halloween |
Stephen Kuhrt
Developing a Christian attitude to Islamic extremism |
Stephen Kuhrt
Developing a Christian attitude to those from different cultures |
Becky Mills
Developing a Christian attitude to a difficult person in my life |
Tim Davis
Developing a Christian attitude to the refugees in Calais |
Nathan Larkin
Developing a Christian attitude to those around us |
Ruth Henson
Developing a Christian attitude to my child's education |
Stephen Kuhrt