CCNM Sermons Search
Keyword Search of Sermons
On this page you can search our sermons for one or more keywords. A match will be found for any sermon whose title contains all the keywords, and also where the sermon is part of a series whose title contains those keywords. The search extends to the bible passage on which a sermon is based (if any). For example, a search for 'John 21' will pick up any sermons based on John chapter 21 (in full or in part).
Thinking afresh about the Holy Spirit | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Thinking Afresh about the Ascension of Jesus | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
Thinking afresh about Science and Christianity | Richard Cheetham, Bishop of Kingston | Audio file
Mission Possible | Ruth Henson | Audio file
Thinking Afresh About The Resurrection Appearances of Jesus | Anita Ferrero | Audio file
What Easter means to me | Katy Loffman | Audio file
The Herod Agrippas | David Taylor | Audio file
Barnabas | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Thinking afresh about the Holy Spirit | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Thinking Afresh About The Ascension of Jesus | Becky Mills | Audio file
Thinking afresh about Science and Christianity | Richard Cheetham, Bishop of Kingston | Audio file
Mission Possible | Mark Hayman | Audio file
Thinking Afresh About The Resurrection Appearances of Jesus | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
What Easter means to me | Tim Davis | Audio file
Good Friday | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Paul's Second Missionary Journey: Corinth | Katy Loffman | Audio file
Paul's Second Missionary Journey: Athens | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Peter learns to follow Jesus: Forgiveness for siblings | Alison Hill | Audio file
Peter learns to follow Jesus: The Transfiguration | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Peter learns to follow Jesus: Confession and Confusion | Tim Davis | Audio file
Mission Possible | Nathan Larkin | Audio file
Peter learns to follow Jesus: Called and Commissioned | Katy Loffman | Audio file
The Last Battle | Elizabeth Hill | Audio file
The Magician's Nephew | Jon Kuhrt | Audio file
The impact of the Resurrection | Becky Mills | Audio file
The significance of Palm Sunday | Carolyn Lucas | Audio file
The Horse and his Boy | Ruth Henson | Audio file
The Silver Chair | Alison Hill | Audio file
APCM 2017 | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file
Easter Day | Stephen Kuhrt | Audio file