CCNM Past Events

Past News and Events

Prayer for Christ Church School

Prayer for Christ Church School

Parents and friends of Christ Church School are invited to join us as we pray for its staff, pupils and future development. The meeting will be held at Christ Church (church, not school) from 8-9pm, and it is open to everyone who would like to attend.

Harvest Service

Harvest Service at 10am on Sunday 1st October followed by Children's entertainer at 11am and Bring & Share lunch from 12pm.

On Sunday 1st October we will celebrate Harvest with a United Service at 10 am (including children's groups as usual) followed by entertainment for the children from 11 and a 'bring and share' lunch from midday. The idea is that everyone brings either their favourite food - or the food that they are most accomplished at creating! If you have a  pièce de résistance do go for it - otherwise simply bring the dish you like most! A sign up sheet for this will be in the lounge from this Sunday.

Our Harvest offering this year will once again be items for the Foodbank based in New Malden Baptist Church. Please look at the list of the items that they most need and bring some of these to our Harvest service as part of our offering of thanksgiving to God for everything that he gives to us.

Harvest Gifts for foodbank

APCM 2023

APCM 21.05.2023

We are holding the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday 21st May from 3pm in the church lounge. This is the one business meeting a year for members of Christ Church and it is important that every committed member attends if at all possible. The meeting is when the officers who represent the congregation are elected, reports on the parish (including its finances) are received and there is the opportunity to ask questions about any area of church life. 

An ice cream party is being held for the children in the Explorers Hall at the same time, to enable parents to be able to be at the meeting. 

John Henson 1936-2023

John Henson 1936 - 2023

Jo and Ruth Henson extend their thanks to everyone in the church family for the outpouring of love and support following John’s death. The cards, messages, thoughtful and kind words, and hugs have all been hugely appreciated. 

They were also greatly heartened by the wonderful turnout for John’s thanksgiving service on Wednesday 17th May, which was a very fitting celebration of his life and service. Many thanks to all those who contributed to the service and made sure it ran smoothly in various ways. For those who were unable to attend but would like to view the recording, please follow this link

Thanksgiving Service for John Henson

John Henson

John HensonA Thanksgiving Service for John Henson will take place here at Christ Church at 12.30pm on Wednesday 17th May

John Henson was a very longstanding and much loved member of Christ Church. 

John's wife, Jo, and their daughter, Ruth, would like to extend a warm welcome to all who would like to join them to celebrate and give thanks for his life and service, and to stay for refreshments afterwards. 

Coronation Celebration Sunday

Join us on Sunday 7th May for a United Service at 10am, followed by a children's entertainer, and a 'Bring and Share' lunch, with an international (or regional!) twist!

PJ's Push-up Challenge

PJ's Pushup Challenge

PJ Aston has just completed the challenge of doing 100 push ups a day for the entire month of April, in order to raise money for The Mental Health Foundation, a charity working towards finding and addressing the sources of mental health problems so that people and communities can thrive.

If you would like to donate, visit PJ's JustGiving page.

The Big Brownie 50th Birthday

Big Brownie 50th Birthday

The 1st New Malden (Christ Church) Brownie Unit will be 50 in April, and Brown Owl (Lynne Mattick) and Robin (Helen Cook) will be retiring at the same time after a combined service of 50 years!

Were you a Brownie or Brownie Leader with this unit at any time during the last 50 years? If so, please contact Lynne for an invitation to an afternoon tea to celebrate these two momentous events! You can see her in church most Sundays or you can email her.

Tearfund Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

We're collecting donations for Tearfund's Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal

All donations made during the 9:30 and 11am services on Sunday will be given to Tearfund's Emergency Appeal to help people affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. As of this morning, more than 24,000 people have lost their lives. Whole towns have been flattened. Tens of thousands of people whose homes have been destroyed are now at the mercy of a freezing winter. Tearfund is responding now, through their church partners, and providing vital supplies such as warm clothing, nourishing food and hygiene essentials.

If you would like to support this appeal, you can do so by putting cash or cheques in the loose offering during the final hymn at each service, or by using the card machine in the lounge. (Please do add gift aid if you are eligible - we can pass this on to the charity.) You can also donate directly to Tearfund online. Visit their website for more information about how the money will be used, and the relief work that they are doing.

Doreen Seward's funeral

Doreen Seward

Doreen Seward's funeral will take place at 1.20pm on Wednesday 14th December, at North East Surrey Crematorium (Garth Road). Lots of people at Christ Church will remember Doreen, who was a member of our 11 o'clock congregation for many years.

Lane with Church pastel by Doreen Seward

Pastel displayed by Doreen Seward as part of an Arts Weekend Exhibition held at Christ Church, 6-8 May 2011

Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal 2022

Shoebox Appeal 2022

Shoe Box Appeal - Thank You

A huge thank you to everyone who joined in with Link to Hope's Shoebox Appeal this year. A total of 91 shoeboxes were donated through Christ Church, St John's and New Malden Methodist Church! These shoeboxes have been delivered to the charity's headquarters and are ready to be transported to Eastern Europe. Visit the Link to Hope website to find out more about the important work being done by this charity. 

Samuel Shrimpton's Charity Haircut

Samuel Shrimpton's Big Wig Fundraiser

Samuel Shrimpton Charity Haircut for Little Princess trust

Thanks to everyone who donated to Samuel Shrimpton's fundraiser for Little Princess Trust. He raised a staggering £1000!

During the first Lockdown, Samuel Shrimpton learned about the amazing work of Little Princess Trust. He realised that instead of cutting his hair when hairdressers re-opened, he could keep growing it, and then have his hair turned into a wig for another child who might be in need of it. He'd been growing his hair ever since.... and it's finally been cut, ready to donate!

When a child loses their hair to cancer or another condition, The Little Princess Trust will be there with a free, real hair wig.  Samuel says, 'I have seen how such a simple item such as a wig can help restore confidence, especially in the case of my Nan a few years ago, who received a wig from a different charity.' 

If you'd like to donate to Samuel's fundraiser, you can still do so at his JustGiving page

Harvest Celebration 2022

Harvest Celebration

Harvest 2022 Celebration

This Sunday, 2nd October, is our Harvest Celebration at both 9:30 and 11am. This year, we'll be collecting donations for Kingston Foodbank, who do a fantastic job supporting people in our local area by providing three days’ nutritionally-balanced emergency food and support to people who are referred to them in crisis. Supported by The Trussell Trust, and founded by local churches and community groups, they are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

Money given through the collection at each service will be given to the Foodbank, and donations can also be made through the card machine (a great way to give, if you're able to include gift aid). We're also asking people to bring in donations of food and household items which can be used by Kingston Foodbank to make up their emergency parcels. Any long-life or non-perishable products would be appreciated, but there is currently an urgent need for the items listed below:

Items needed: Tinned Meat,<br />
Tinned Potatoes,<br />
Tinned Tomatoes,<br />
Tinned Vegetables,<br />
Rice,<br />
Instant Mash,<br />
Pot Noodles,<br />
Oil,<br />
Ketchup & Mayonnaise,<br />
Jam,<br />
Long Life Milk,<br />
Coffee,<br />
Squash,<br />
Biscuits, Crisps & Treats,<br />
Sanitary Towels,<br />
Shampoo & Conditioner,<br />
Deodorants,<br />
Toilet Paper,<br />
Washing Up Liquid,<br />
Washing Machine Tablets,<br />
Household Cleaning Products.

Please note that the Foodbank already has plenty of the following items: pasta, cereal, pulses (kidney beans, chickpeas etc.), baked beans, soup, pasta sauce, tea, toothbrushes and toothpaste.

God's Big Plan

God's Big Plan

Following the popularity of our Easter Costume and Praise service, dressing up enthusiasts have another opportunity at our 9:30am service on Sunday 3rd July when we consider 'God's Big Plan'.

God's Big Plan

Rumour has it, we'll be joined by some special guests who will tell us the story of the whole of the Old Testament, condensed into a 40 minute, interactive, musical, time-travelling extravaganza. Don't forget to come dressed as your favourite Bible character!

Father's Day 2022

Father's Day Service

Celebrate Father's Day with us at the 9:30am service on Sunday 19th June. 

Father's Day 2022


Children's Group Session - 11th June 2022

Children's Group Leaders Session

CCNM Children's Group Leaders 11th June 2022

Our children's group leaders met for breakfast and a training session on Saturday 11th June, covering matters such as how we safeguard the children in our groups as well as what is up and coming next term. 

APCM 2022


The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Sunday 22nd May at 3pm. The accounts and reports will be circulated by email at the end of next week to everyone on the electoral roll. (People on the electoral roll who do not use email will be provided with paper copies, which may be obtained from the office during the week.)

The History of Christ Church

The Story of Christ Church

Since September 2021, our Vicar Stephen Kuhrt has been working on a new illustrated history of Christ Church New Malden. Published as a series of volumes, this work continues into 2022. You can find out more about this here. Copies of all the volumes can be obtained through our Contact Us page.

This follows on from the popular exhibition of the history of Christ Church, which was on display in the church for a number of months following the celebration of our 150th Anniversary in December 2016. Much of that exhition can be enjoyed on-line by following the link to The Story of CCNM!

Easter Costume and Praise

Easter Costume and Praise

Easter Costume and Praise

We know how much everyone loves dressing up at the Children's Carol Service at Christ Church and taking part in the story, so we've now decided to do an early Easter equivalent for our 9.30am service on 3rd April (the week before Palm Sunday).  Stephen is busily writing the script and costumes will (of course!) be mandatory for kids and adults, so get thinking about whether you are coming as a disciple, a woman who came to the tomb (the first Spice Girls?), Pontius Pilate, a centurion - or even a donkey!

As the strap line says 'Costumes are for life, not just for Christmas'.

Link to Hope - Donate to Ukraine

Link to Hope - Donate to Ukraine

Link to Hope - Donate to Ukraine

The huge humanitarian crisis that is unfolding in Ukraine means that every area of Link to Hope's work will be impacted. Many people are trying to get out of Ukraine and the nearest borders for some are Romania and Moldova. Many within the Link to Hope network are travelling to the borders, picking people up and taking them into their homes. Their project leaders in Moldova are already setting up beds for the refugees trying to access the safety of Europe. Their Romanian project leaders are arranging for refugee families to stay in peoples houses. Others have been less fortunate and remain trapped within Ukraine. Link to Hope are asking for our support in providing funds for food, bedding, clothes, toiletries, counselling and other medical needs etc.

Please give what you can and please continue to pray.

Who Do We Think We Are?

Who Do We Think We Are?

Who do we think we are? A History of CCNM

Stephen Kuhrt has recently written a new history of Christ Church with volume one focussing on 1855 - 1892.

There will be an evening on this entitled 'Who do we think we are?'  Thursday 4th November at 8pm for an hour.

All are invited, whether a regular church goer or not so it's a great opportunity to invite a friend to find out more about the history of Christ Church and New Malden in general. 

500 Miles for International Justice

500 Miles for International Justice

Nathan Larkin is aiming to cycle 500 miles by Christmas, to raise money for International Justice Mission and their fight against modern day slavery.

Slavery and human trafficking still exist all over the world. Many people believe slavery ended long ago, but this couldn't be further from the truth. There are more people being enslaved and trafficked today than ever before.

International Justice Mission are the largest international anti-slavery organisation in the world. This includes undercover investigators, lawyers, social workers, advocates, and volunteers.

IJM's model to end slavery has three main parts:

  • To rescue and restore victims, getting them out of the place where they’re in danger, and giving them the support and tools they need to heal and thrive.
  • To bring criminals to justice, holding slave-owners, traffickers and rapists accountable in court.
  • To strengthen justice systems, by providing training, mentoring and support to police, judges and other community leaders, to slow down and stop the cycle of violence. As laws are enforced the business of trafficking and slavery becomes unprofitable for slave owners.

To make a donation, please visit Nathan's fund raising page

The Twelve Carbons of Christmas

The Twelve Carbons of Christmas

When our normal pattern of services was interrupted back in March, we were in the middle of the Carbon Fast for Lent organised by Becky Mills. Becky is now challenging us to respond to the ongoing vital task of reducing our carbon emissions by joining in 'The 12 Carbons of Christmas' and the link below is her message to us about this:

Please do join in with this challenge – you can sign up now to receive daily reminders of how to respond to this challenge over Christmas (these will come from 6th December onwards).

Remembrance Sunday

Our service for Remembrance Sunday will begin at 10:45 in order to observe the 2 minutes silence at 11am.

Tracy Borman: Gunpowder, Treason and Plot!

Gunpowder, Treason and Plot!

Tracy Borman spoke about her novel The King's Witch and its follow-upThe Devil's Slave in June at Christ Church. Set in the dangerous early years of James I's reign, Frances Gorges has to survive both the king's passion for hunting witches and Gunpowder, Treason and Plot!

You can listen to her talk below.

Audio file

Martin Luther and the Reformation

Martin Luther and the Reformation

In October 2017 the Church celebrated the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation. As part of this, Stephen Kuhrt gave a talk on ‘Martin Luther and the Reformation’ at Christ Church and also at St Mary’s Church in Haddenham. You can listen to this talk below. 

Tom Wright for Everyone

Tom Wright for Everyone

Stephen Kuhrt gave a talk about his book, 'Tom Wright for Everyone', on Tuesday 19th July 2011, following which he answered questions.

Tom Wright for Everyone by Stephen Kuhrt

You can listen to Stephen's talk and the question and answer session that followed it below.

Audio file