Sunday School for Grown-Ups
'Sunday School for Grown Ups' provides the opportunity to go deeper in getting to grips with the Bible and Christian Theology through talks and discussion in groups.
'Sunday School for Grown Ups' comprises a series of courses, the first of these stretching into the new year called 'Making Sense of Paul'. Food is available from 6.00 pm with the talks and discussion starting from 6.30 pm. The evening finishes at 8.00 pm, although some may want to continue the discussion at the Royal Oak!
We will also have 'rerun' evening sessions on the first and third Mondays of each month (eight days after each Sunday session). Monday sessions will start with drinks and nibbles from 8.00 pm with the session beginning at 8.15 pm and finishing by 9.45 pm.
The current course is called ‘Making Sense of Paul’. This began in November 2022 and continues throughout 2023.
The current sessions (Sunday 22nd October and the 're-run' on Monday 30th October) look at chapters 9 to 11 of Paul's letter to the Romans. Here, Paul speaks about the deeply mysterious role of Israel within God's plan to bring his rescue to the world. Often neglected, these chapters are vital to understanding the message of the letter.
The aim of this course is to provide members of Christ Church (and anyone else who wants to come) with a greater opportunity to explore the Bible and Theology and, through this, both as a church and individuals, to be more equipped for the living out of our Christian faith.
Courses planned for the future include: ‘Making Sense of the Synoptic Gospels’, ‘Making Sense of Isaiah’, ‘Making Sense of Baptism’ and ‘Making Sense of the Reformation’.
Earlier this year, Stephen did an interview with Ian Paul about 'Sunday School for Grown Ups', covering how and why this initiative came into being - including why its name was chosen. You can read all about it on Ian's Psephizo blog.