Godly Discipline 1935-1944: Volume 4 of The Story of Christ Church, New Malden
In January 2022, Stephen wrote the fourth volume of his illustrated history of Christ Church. This is entitled ‘Godly Discipline’ because of the firm direction of the parish given by its fourth Vicar, Willoughby Habershon. After the more easy going approach of the previous era, this change in ethos required a significant adjustment from members of Christ Church. Habershon’s drive and conviction, however, were crucial in the establishment of the building of St John’s in 1939 and also in the leadership that he gave to the parish during the darkest days of the Second World War. This period included the death of the Curate-in-Charge of St John’s, the Reverend John Pendlebury, when a bomb hit his house on Malden Road in February 1941 and also the death of another keen member of the church, Flying Officer Cyril Barton, who was subsequently awarded the Victoria Cross. Willoughby Habershon’s leadership of the parish during this period challenges many of our assumptions about the value of ‘nice’ versions of Christianity compared a church built upon the more authentic virtues of kindness, compassion and truth. A digital copy of this volume is available for download.