Freedom and Friendship 1921-1935: Volume 3 of The Story of Christ Church, New Malden
In December 2021, Stephen wrote the third volume of his illustrated history of Christ Church. This was a time largely characterised by reaction to the First World War with the emergence of a greater sense of freedom at Christ Church built around the friendliness and approachability of its Vicar, Alvan Birkett. It was a period which also saw the establishment of the War Memorial in the High Street in 1924, the building of the Parish Halls in 1927 and the creation of a separate parish for St James’ Church from 1929. Just as important were the groups at Christ Church that formed during this era. Against a background of general evangelical decline within the Church of England, this period saw the formation of the hugely influential and long running King’s Own Bible Class and Young Peoples’ Church started by curates, Bryan Green and Benjie Bull in 1924 and 1931 respectively. Guides and Brownies also began at Christ Church in 1924 and 1928. In overall terms, it was a period when the spirit of friendliness at Christ Church did a great deal to communicate God’s love more widely than had previously been the case. A digital copy of this volume is available for download.