Building Christ Church: 1991 to 2006

Building Christ Church: 1991 to 2006

Fire and Flood

In the early hours of New Year’s Day 1996, the Parish Halls were badly damaged by a fire. Arson was suspected but a culprit was never found. Photos show the extent of the damage. The Halls were refurbished and continued to be used.

They were afflicted again by a flood in June 2015 when a water main burst in the High Street, before they were again restored.

Reordering the interior

Towards the end of Stewart Downey’s time as Vicar, the idea arose to reorder the interior of Christ Church. First raised at a PCC meeting in February 2004, the aim was to make the worship space more flexible and suitable for the needs of a 21st century church.

During the interregnum the scheme went ahead with the removal of the pews, old lighting, floor and chancel furniture in the autumn of 2006.

These were replaced with the wooden floor, chairs, chancel furniture, lighting, screens and cameras that we currently use.

The work was completed by April 2007.

All of this was chiefly led by Churchwarden of Christ Church between 2003 and 2008, Trevor Webster.

Building CCNM 1976-90

Stewart Downey

Life at CCNM 1991-2006

Building CCNM 2007-present