Building Christ Church: 1968 to 1975

Building Christ Church: 1968 to 1975

Christ Church and the Vicarage

Two photos from around this time show how Christ Church and the Vicarage looked during the 1970s.

Redevelopment Plans

It was from the early 1970s that plans began to form for the major redevelopment of Christ Church with a vision for its buildings being used throughout the week. On 30th January 1974 a meeting was held to consider different options.

Scheme A was to demolish the church and ‘Tin Tab’, sell the verger’s house and parish halls and built a new multi-purpose church in place of the old.

A similar church was visited and a picture exists of what the new church might have looked like.

Scheme B involved the same, apart from retaining the church and building a new block attached to it and the Vestry Hall.

Scheme C involved retaining all the existing buildings, other than the ‘Tin Tab’, but refurbishing the Parish Halls and building a modern lounge/entrance hall attached to the church.

Scheme C met with the greatest approval but with a strong diversity of viewpoints, the PCC decided in September 1974 that the project should be put to one side. Crucial preparation had nonetheless been done for the later building of the Christ Church Centre in 1980-81 (see Building Christ Church: 1976-1990).

Building CCNM 1958-68

Peter Coombs

Life at CCNM 1968-75

Building CCNM 1976-90