Christmas at Christ Church New Malden

Christmas at Christ Church

Come and celebrate Christmas with us!

Our Christmas celebrations continue following our two carol services last Sunday.  At the Children's Carol Service last weekend, Shepherd Pie, Angel Delight and Angel Slice - helped by all the children in their costumes - reminded us of the world-changing and politically-significant impact of the story of the birth of Jesus. In the evening, the choir led us in worship at our Carols by Candlelight service.

Children's Carol service and Carols by Candlelight 18 December 2022

Next up is our Midnight Communion Service on Christmas Eve at 11pm.

Midnight Communion Service at 11pm on Christmas Eve

Join us on Christmas Day morning at 10am for our family-friendly Christmas Day Service.

Christmas Day Service at 10am

Then, as we start the new year, there will be a United Service at 10am on New Years Day.

United Service at 10am on New Year's Day