Home Page

Christ Church is a vibrant and friendly church, shaped by building community and welcome for all

We exist in order to worship God by serving one another and the people of New Malden.

Amongst the most distinctive characteristics of Christ Church are a desire to give expression to the full membership of our children, the full encouragement of women’s ministry at every level and a desire to seek out and serve those who are poor and marginalised with the love of Jesus Christ.


The Book of Psalms

Current Sermon Series:

The Book of PsalmsThe Book of Psalms

The Psalms are a remarkable collection of very different ancient songs expressing to God the full range of emotions and experiences that accompany seeking to live for him in the world. Within them we see...

Film Clubs at CCNM

Try one of our Film Clubs

We believe film is a fantastic way to gather people together to explore the full range of human experience and not least to have a really great time! Why not join us at Christ Church Cinema Club, Classic Film Club or our Family Cinema Club - or our latest addition, Sunday Screen!

Christ Church Cinema Club Classic Film Club Family Cinema Club

Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal 2023

Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal 2023

Link to Hope Shoebox AppealWe're joining in with Link to Hope's Shoebox Appeal again this year, collecting gifts to be distributed to families and elderly people across Romania, Moldova, Ukraine and Bulgaria this Christmas.

We'll be collecting filled shoeboxes here at Christ Church until 12th November, when they'll be delivered to the charity.